I’ve spent many nights here drinking Deep-Eddy’s and Vodkas, jumping from bar to bar on Allen, and attempting my best darts game.
My Mother, Nancy, was a frequent flyer at the bar back in her 20’s. She admits she’s more of a drinker than I was…. Which could explain why my friends like her more than me.
The loss of Mulligan’s Brick Bar has saddened the Allentown community, WNY residents, and most folks who walk through that door.
Discussions of the attempt to stabilize the structure has been made, but the demolition has been scheduled for Wednesday, January 8th, 2 025.
Profits of the print will go directly to the Go Fund Me to support the staff. If you would like to donate directly to the page, please click the link below.
Long Live Brickbar.
Original piece is 8”x10” on 110 Arches Cold Press Watercolor paper, with Watercolor, white ink and Posca Pen. The original was hand cut and is in production to be matted and framed.
Each matted piece comes with a white mat board and size label on backing board.
© The Roaming Buffalo, 2024. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this owner is strictly prohibited.